Video of Indestructible Toyota Truck Should Have Been Super Bowl Ad
While we might have thought the Toyota Tocoma Super Bowl ad that parked the vehicle during low tide, showed it getting thrashed about then driven off as if nothing had happened to it was a bit of truth stretching. Well, after watching this video about another Toyota truck that received far worse treatment that just a little sea water, we are humbled. Seriously humbled. Nothing this guy did to his truck would stop it from working. Nothing. Toyota should have paid $25 million to run this 10-15 minute video as their Super Bowl ad rather than do a :30 copy of it.
That guy is Jeremy Clarkson. He had a show in the UK called Top Gear that was all about his love and/or hate for certain cars. You should see what he did to a Corvette - shot it to smithereens with a gatling gun attached to an airborne helicopter. He also destroyed a Nissan Sunny by catapulting it with a medieval throwing arm. He's awesome.
This video was actually created as part of the BBC's fantastic series Top Gear, presented by Jeremy Clarkson. They ran a series of these Toyota clips over several episodes, with a different tactic being used to (attempt to) destroy the car each week. I would imagine it provided the inspiration for what sounds like a very watered-down copy.
Jeremy Clarkson is so cool. He'll totally blow you out of the sky with his opinions on cars. What he and his team make is art, not tv. The best car show on the world. Stupendous footage of cars, not just the normal testing but much much more then that. You should all start watching it. Be prepared though, he dislikes most american cars.
"Be prepared though, he dislikes most american cars"
What's wrong with poor quality, inefficient, and inaesthetic vehicles with patriotic pretentiousness?
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