AT&T Delivers Blogging, Has No Idea What A Blog Is
This at&t billboard from their new campaign has been floating around Flickr for some time now. It, of course, alludes to the SBC acquisition of at&t (guess their doing the lower case thing now) and how that somehow delivers blogging. We suppose it just means they own more of the world's bandwidth so they have the right to say they deliver whatever they want.
Humorously, as is usually the case with large corporation sticking their feet into niche spaces, a Flickr user points out at&t, apparently, has no idea what a blog is according to a screen shot of a search on their website. One would assume these not so trivial oversights would be handled prior to the launch of a multi-million dollar campaign. Oh sorry. We forgot that thing they say about assuming things.
Corporations like hot words but sometimes they forget to make their ads relevant and truthful.
a site specific search on google tends to be more reliable than search tools integrated on websites.
there are results for "blog" on but they aren't really good ones. hilarious.
they are also on a bunch of buses in the bay area. I saw one but didnt get a chance to get a picture. is "...presented by SBC"
I found the website from an SBC news statement dated November 15, 2004.
Search for "SBC Blogging" on Google. The first link no longer exists, but it's still cached. The sublink is active though.
"their"? you mean "they're". groan. talk about a rant.
Oh yea. I was actually involved with the launch of ProjectDU. It was all SBC. Nothing to do with att.
1. AT&T, typed out, is alwis ALL CAPS. Only lowecase in the logo.
2. Learn the difference between there, their, and they're.
3. What's your problem with AT&T? They operate DSL ISP service (Digital Subscriber Line, Internet Service Provider), therefore you use their broadband internet service to access blogs!
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