Jennifer Lopez to Launch Baby Head Smelling Perfume
Jennifer Lopez, whose fragrance company has already created three scents, Glow, Still and Live, has asked her smell experts to create a new fragrance that smells like the top of a baby's head. Lopez explained, "They were like, 'Let's get specific, what smells intrigue you right now?' and I was like, 'Well, babies. The smell of a baby’s head, you know, the way the top of their heads smell.' As freaky as that may sound, Lopez was also very clear that no babies' heads would be used in the manufacturing process, "None! None, please, please, I don't need those kinds of accusations about babies. No babies went into that bottle!"
What's next? Puppy breath?
Can she please just go away? Soon?
uh, don't they all smell like J&J baby powder?
I think ping pong balls are rather aromatic
hi u bitch jlo
u idiot why do u wear real animal fur!U mean fucking bitch.see this site u ass.
from christina
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