Paris Hilton Carl's Jr. Commercial Gets Reality Treatment
If advertising portrayed even a hint of reality, this is what the Paris Hilton "Spicy Paris" commercial for Carl's Jr. would look like. It was done for recruitment company Accolo. You know it was only a matter of time before the spoofs rolled in.
Fabulous! All he's missing is tattoos.
funny. This morning at 7:21AM just as I was a few steps from Eisnburg's sandwich Shop ...there was Paris and two male handlers with orange skin (!) ajusting Paris's hair and clothes for a 'shoot' on Fifth Ave. Yes, Paris was gorgeous in person. Yes, she is hotter than on TV. 8;P
Orange skin? Were they Oompa-Loompas?
I saw a dead ringer of this bloke at my health-club once. In the communal shower he took off his massive wig and gave it a good shampooing between his meaty hands. We specualted that in a less communal environ he probably just soaps the thing up and uses it as a buff-puff, thereby cleansing body and hair-piece in one session. Good idea for a product: the wig/loufa combo.
You can find the video at
Watch here how hot Paris Hilton really is.
Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.
very good site!
paris is so stuuuuupid
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