Catholic Church Recruits Priests With Beer Mats


While the standard reaction might be to call this latest move by the Catholic church blasphemous, others might say, hey, what better place to promote priesthood than on beer mats in bars? Or on posters in the London Underground? The bishop's National Office for Vocations in England and Wales has, for the first time, publicized priesthood outside the walls of churches. Not a bad idea, actually. After all, there's probably plenty of people who might consider priesthood as a career who have never set foot in a church.

Vocation Director Father Paul Embry has no problem with the effort saying, "Pope John Paul didn't spend all his time in the Vatican. He went out, and took his message to where people were. We can do something similar to encourage young men to think about the priesthood."

by Steve Hall    May-29-05    
Topic: Campaigns

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