Vodka Maker Bites Back At Bar Owner With F You Site

In response to anger aimed at its American President James Dale over a profanity-laden letter he wrote to Chelsea bar owner John Libonati who banned 42 Below product from his shelves in response to a gay themed viral video the company produced a while back and which Libonati, who is gay, said is offensive and shameless pandering, 42 Below vodka bit back and has set up a website called, "I'm James Dale So Fuck You." The site follows the original letter's profanity laden scheme and turns the whole thing into a profanity-laden, self-help advice site. Whether the viral in question is offensive, Libonati was paid by 42 Below to initiate this as a stunt, James Dales is the dumbest company president in existence or whether this whole thing is a brilliantly planned marketing stunt, we may never know. We do, however, marvel at the amazingly huge pair of balls 42 Below must have to move forward with a response like this one.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Strange     Apr-11-05  
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