BillBoob Urges Citizens to Vote

We're very sorry we can't seem to get off the "big boobs in advertising" thing today but they just keep popping up. This billboob in Caracas, Venezuela is creating urgency among citizens to vote yes in an August 15 recall vote against President Hugo Chavez. He's being asked to step down.

We don't know how effective the billboard will be in terms of urging people to vote but it's sure effective at creating another sense of urgency. With the word "yes" ballooned from the model's mouth and the word "yes" spread across her mammoth breasts combined with the alluring unbuttoning of pants, the message sure sounds like an invitation for another, much more exciting, urgency-related activity.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 5-04    

John Waters Movie Poster Won't Need Retouching

Poor Keira Knightley had to have her boobs expanded for the movie poster promoting her starring role in King Arthur. For Selma Blair, who appears in the upcoming John Waters film A Dirty Shame, that will be, as you can see, unnecessary. Apparently, her role in the movie is that of an exhibitionist. No suprise given what she's got to show off. And no, she didn't go out and get a gigantic boob job for the movie. It's just the wonders of water and balloons. Here's another picture. And another. View the trailer. It's Waters' usual weirdness.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 5-04    

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