Howard Stern Screws Clear Channel, Goes Back On Air
Be sure to listen to Howard Stern at 8:30 AM Wednesday for a big announcement. FMBQ thinks the announcement will revolve around Stern's signing on to new stations replacing the six Clear Channel stations that dumped him. Perhaps. More likely, it will revolve around his plans for the future and what he plans to do when his contract expires. In any event, it will sure make for an exciting morning.
UPDATE: Here's the news. He started by politely slamming the press for their slanted coverage of him. He reviewed his 25 years of controversy leading up to the whole Super Bowl thing. He claims that event had no negative effect on anyone but acknowledged that it was not appropriate for a so-called "family" show. He said the event gave the government an excuse to "freak out." He questioned FCC Chairman Powell's credentials.
He went on to claim Clear Channel is "in bed" with Bush. He then reviewed his feelings about Bush. He said Clear Channel's removal of him from six stations had a chilling effect on broadcasting and the FFC's attack on him is a "witch hunt." He says no one cares the first amendment is being eaten away.
He's considering satellite radio saying it may be the future of radio. Satellite promises "no censorship." He doesn't want to simply be able to swear but he wants to be able to express himself freely. That said, he doesn't have definitive plans to move to satellite.
Clear Channel has "thrown me under the bus" Stern said referring to Clear Channel's throwing him off the six stations. He also appreciates Infinity's support of him.
The big news is he's not going to satellite but will go back on the air in nine markets including Pittsburgh, San Diego, Palm Beach, Rochester, and Orlando. He's also adding Houston, Austin, and Fresno. There's a few more markets as well. He says he will gleefully slam Clear Channel in the ratings in these markets.
Even though Stern will return to these markets, he still feels there's a very good chance he will somehow be thrown off the air in the near future. He says listeners, ratings and advertisers should decide whether he should stay on the air, not the FCC. It should be market-driven, not politically-driven.
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