The Advertising Industry is the Best Place to Work
Aside form the fact that some study a while back said the perception of advertising professionals rivals that of car dealers, a new study sponsored by Euro RSCG Worldwide and conducted by Market Probe International found advertising the top career choice among students and those already in the industry.
The study asked respondents to choose their top three out of 19 career paths and, overwhelmingly, advertising came out on top with 38 percent of students and 79 percent of industry professionals naming it their top choice. One wonders, though, if the other 18 choices were along the lines of garbage collector and septic truck operator.
The attributes of fun and creativity where ranked high as reasons for advertising being the top choice although if one were to compare the septic truck operator's job to that of the advertising professional's, pumping shit through a tube could be a good descriptor of both fields.
Bathroom humor aside, the study also found 38 percent of students would choose the creative aspect of advertising, 27 percent would choose media and even much maligned human resources brought in nine percent. In the no-brainer category, 80 percent of ad professionals stated clients are more powerful than agency management, 74 percent of ad professionals claim management will side with a client instead of standing up for the employee if it means losing the account and 64 percent of professionals say people leave the business because of "bad" clients.
Basically it all boils down to an industry of kids who can't play nice in the sandbox even though the sandbox is a really fun place to be.
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