New Zealand Brothel Ad Angers U.S Officials
An ad for a brothel in New Zealand, which recently legalized prostitution, is making some U.S officials a bit pissed off. The ad appeared in newspapers aimed to recruit, well, prostitutes to staff the brothel.
A U.S. embassy spokeswoman said: "We believe that any likeness of a national government symbol in a commercial advertisement is in extremely poor taste.
"We are sending a letter to the advertiser that expresses our disappointment and displeasure about their choice of symbolism."
The brothel in question is called the White House and it is emblazoned with American-like imagery. Brian Legros, owner of the White House defends his use of the flag crest in the ad saying, "It's my crest. It might look like theirs, but it's not." And, "They (the U.S.) should get on with the affairs of their country and not worry about little old New Zealand."
I guess he told the U.S. off.
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