P & G Gets Big Slap For Mis-Marketing Its Tampons
"Procter & Gamble's extensive use of false and misleading advertising for the last nine months has misled consumers and the retail trade," Michael Gallagher, Playtex CEO, said in a statement. "As part of a massive sell-in with unprecedented spending, Procter & Gamble launched this product behind false claims in advertising, promotional material, direct mail, coupons and presentations to the retail trade in an effort to entice our consumers away from our products. We expect the jury verdict and this injunction will put an end to this practice of deception by Procter & Gamble."
Take that, P & G! Claiming P & G made inaccurate claims regarding its Tampax Pearl tampons, Playtex has won an injunction against P & G which requires P & G "to immediately recall from retailers and distributors, all offending promotional products, displays, as well as an immediate halt to all television and print advertising, packaging, direct mail, sales presentations and coupons making the claims." That's going to be an expensive marketing recall even for P & G.
"Between the leg" products" seem to be a hot topic this week with complaints building in the U.K. over both the marketing of tampons using a 70's style kids television show and a recently banned condom campaign. Behave yourself down there, will you? [via BrandWeek]
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