Sad news locally for me. According to Ad Age, Mullen, the Wenham, MA based ad agency, could lay off up to 40% of it's staff following the loss of the Nextel account last month. No official word from the agency as is the norm in these situations.
After recently returning to the agency world after a very long period of unemployment, I can identify with the pending plight Mullen staffers are facing.
I wish I could say my agency is hiring but unfortunately, in this economy, we are not.
Tiger Woods goes up against a Formula 1 race car in this spot for TAG Heuer. It's actually rather interesting and is the kind of advertising that should (barring the fact the none should in the first place) be shown in theaters before the movie. Also, this week, watch Sharon Stone become a stoke, Vern Troyer sing the low notes for a bank, a really bad spot for the Kansas City Chiefs, a swimsuit commercial for those who don't have a Britney-belly, and another weird eBay spot. Watch then all at Ad Age's TV Spots of the Week.
In a Canadian version of the Milk, It Does Your Body Good campaign (or whetever the exact headline is) we have the most complelling reason to date for drinking milk.
Courtesy of Ad-Rag.
For a magazine that is not actually for sale, the title has swarms of buyers interested in it. Everyone from Jan Wenner to David Pecker to Mort Zuckerman. And why? Who would want it with, according to the New York Times, it's measly $1-2 million profits or it's circulation of "only" 433,000 or the fact that it has almost no recognition outside of Manhattan?
Even potential buyers admit it's not so hot. "I have not seen the books, but it looks like it is running out of steam," said Jan Wenner, the chairman of Wenner Media. "But I would have to think about it if it were available because it occupies a very important position in a very important place. It is a magazine about ideas."
We base aquisition decisions on important stuff like that in the advertising business.