When Your Brand Name is a Problem

Clothing company, Fidel, is under fire from the New York Post saying "THAT some idiot on Seventh Avenue, who doesn't realize that the dictator of Cuba is about as popular with his people as the dictator of Iraq was with his, has come out with a Fidel clothing line. Ads show a cute brunette in a tank top with the Fidel logo across her chest."

Wasting no time, Fidel fires back saying, "Your article makes the connection between our brand - which stands for loyalty and integrity - and the firing squad execution of "would be (Cuban) escapees". Exactly what is your intention in doing this? Are you purposely looking for ways to slander and embarrass us, or do you actually consider your implications to be accurate?

Your comments are juvenile and unfounded. Making the connection between our brand name and the execution of (Cuban) escapees is preposterous and inflammatory. We are adamantly opposed to the execution of prisoners and to the implementation of the Death Penalty in general - whether on Cuban soil, in the United States, or elsewhere in the World."

Granted Fidel has a point about the "over-reactiveness" and "over-sensitivity" of the media but then again, brand names are very important and they can be damaged overnight if associations become negative whether justified or not. It's really a lose-lose situation for the marketer when it gets to this point.

Interestingly almost all the reactions in the comment section of the company's web site are positive and supportive...except for this guy:

"serves you pinkos right! it's time to get off Castro's dick and pay your respect to the red-white and blue.....if you really loved god you'd call your shitty company Springsteen."

There's always one in a bunch. Going to name your company or product soon or doing it for a client of yours? Better be sure to consider all the potential ramifications of your choices.

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03    

Arnold and Monster.com Part Ways

Boston-based Arnold and Maynard, MA based Monster are parting ways as announced today in AdWeek today. Arnold has handled the account since 2000 and Mullen handled it prior. It seems the fall in budget from $60M in 2000 to $30M in 2002 cause difficulties between agency and client and may have contributed to the split..

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03    

Placing Advertising in Books

Jason Kottke has a novel idea. If advertising were placed in books, it might bring down the cost therby making some literature much more affordable or, in some cases, free. A very interesting idea.

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03    

We Missed it But Hallmark Wants to Wish Guys a Special Day

[via Viralmeister]

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03    

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Carat Gets Bigger

Carat North America has aquired New York based Independent Media Services and will assume IMS clients MTV Networks, Oxygen, New York Post and the Boston Herald.

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03    

Blacks and Whites Watching Same Shows

About three years ago, there was an uproar over the lack of television programming targeted to and starring black actors. That seems to taken a 180 of late. Initiative Media found that nine programs ranked in the top 20 among both Blacks and Whites. [via MediaLife]

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03    

PVRs (TiVo) Won't Kill the :30

A few months ago, industry luminaries were up in arms about how TiVo might dramatically change the TV landscape even saying using a TiVo is tantamount to stealing TV. Well, they seem to have come to their senses.

by Steve Hall    Apr-17-03