Gatway's new ad campaigtn urges consumers to have fun ripping and burning their music but to also be mindful of copyright issues.
"Our concern is that some in the recording industry have created a real sense of ambiguity and confusion among consumers as a consequence of (the industry's) antipiracy efforts," said Gateway spokesman Brad Williams. "We agree that piracy is a major problem. But we're very concerned that consumers' fair use rights can be swept up and lost in the antipiracy debates."
Ads launch tonight. [via CNet]
An Oklahoma federal judge said Wednesday that telemarketers must comply with new rules even if they are in the process of suing over it.
Tough luck, I guess.
Up to 1000 people face layoff from the Cola giant. Many of the layoff, not surprisingly, will come from within the marketing department.
Read more in this Ad Age article.
Despite the war in Iraq, most Americans are watching their usual favorites after having switched to news for a while. This event has not changed viewing habits nearly as much as 911 or the first Iraq war did.
Viewers are "very set in their patterns," says David Marans of the MindShare media-buying firm. "They can be affected for a few days, but by and large they stick with what they normally do. They know that if something dramatic happens, they will be told about it."
It just seems too easy but how long can you sit on the edge of your seat watching a conflict unfold? We naturally need diversions to the stress that war induces as well as a sense of normalcy in these far from normal times. [via USA Today]
Elaine Lafferty is the new editor of Ms. Magazine. Lafferty previosly wrote for The Irish Times covering international issues. She replaces Tracy Wood who was with Ms. for a short period of time from last July to October.