"You can huffington and you can puffington, but you can't blow my Hummers down."
That is the tag line to an email campaign spearheaded by Marcie Brogan, managing partner of Brogan & Partners in respose to Arianna Huffington's "SUV Owners Promote Terrorism" campaign.
You've got to love the creativity in that headline. This is why I love the advertising business. Thank you very much, Marcie, for giving me my daily dose.
Details on how this whole thing started here.
Ad Age's weekly round up of current television spots.
Ad Age: TV Spots of the Week
After bad programming decisions and loss of top management, A&E is returning to the basics that made it popular in the first place, quality documentaries and a re-invigorated Biography series.
MediaWeek: A&E Goes Back to Basics
So here it is. Must be at least version three by now. It was time to get rid of those groovy psychedelic colors and give some more organization to the page. There is still some tweaking to be done but I welcome your comments.
I could not have done it without the help of Ralf Zeigermann who designed the logo as well as gave color advice. Thanks, Ralf.
Drop me an email and let me know what you think of the new look.