Another Brady Bunch Appearance

Leave it to the Brady Bunch to become the "new cool" in Old Navy's new campaign:

"The Rugby Bunch" is the story of a lovely lady (Fairchild), a man and six kids, who dance around in a very Brandy house and replicate images from the classic TV show's opening scenes, including a march-and-pose on the steps and the legendary tic-tac-toe box featuring close-ups of Fairchild and her co-actors. The ad, which promotes Old Navy's Rugby shirt collection for men, women and kids, broke nationally late last week on network and cable, per parent San Francisco-based Gap's in-house creative unit with ad agency Modernista, Boston.


by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-02    

Ads That Say More

I think that with all the new "rich media" ad formats that have appeared lately, this one from Point Roll has some good things going for it. It's a banner. We're all used to that. It doesn't dance across your screen in an annoying fashion, yet, it drops down a full mini site's worth of informatiom. I think it has serious merit. Story from Clickz:

A new trend in ad design has emerged over the past year few years, and it's beginning to take hold -- so much so that I venture to say the days of struggling to fit a coherent ad message into a 468 x 60 pixel banner are coming to an end. The ads, and the company that creates the technology behind them, are called Point�Roll, and they're providing advertisers with much more space within a banner than was previously available.

It's MUCH better then Shoskeles


by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-02    

B2B Advertisers Slow to Embrace Web

From iMedia Connection

A new study from GartnerG2 reports that B2B advertisers are reluctant to move online because most Websites have broad appeal and cannot identify the specific markets they are targeting.

We need more VertMarkets of the world to counter this.


by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-02    

The Blame Game

You know the drill. "Oh, the client hates online". "The site won't let you do that". "I'm not convinced of this mediums validity"

Jeff Jaffe cuts through all this puffery about online advertising foot dragging. A good read:

Jaffe Juice: Who's the Bad Guy? Buyers. Sellers. Clients. Just who is responsible for inhibiting or slowing the growth of Interactive Advertising? You might be surprised by what Joseph Jaffe thinks.

Good thoughts to heed.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-02    

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Rest for the Weary Newsprint Buyer

Finally, something to cut through all the messy paper work. Hope it works.

From MediaPost

AdSEND, the Associated Press�s digital ad delivery unit, is currently developing a new service that will streamline multi-market newspaper buys. Set to launch this fall, AP AdVantage will be a web-based service available to buyers and newspapers that will allow for easy placing and tracking of orders, consolidated billing and improved communication between advertisers and papers.


by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-02