Little Debbie: Bringing Creme-Filled Goodness to a Suburb Near You!

Few people are willing to turn a cupcake down; the very word makes us hungry. Knowing we could all use something extra to smile about, Little Debbie's taking one million brand-spankin'-new cupcakes to the streets.
The Little Debbie Share-A-Thon is fortified by an armada of shiny brown Smart cars, laced with the cupcakes' curly ribbon. Chase one down for a free sugar rush. (Or just wait for one to stop.)
Giveaway kicks off on October 18th, National Chocolate Cupcake Day. There's also a sweepstakes where you can actually win one of the shiny new cupcakey Smart Cars. (Watch out for chasers, though. You're gonna get chasers.)
Social media links and the feel-good, slightly quirky TV spots appear below the drop. They speak to the youthful, pursuit-of-happiness quality simmering just under the surface of tired overworked growed-ups. For a second, we actually missed trans fats. HIGH FIVE, Luckie & Co.!
Follow the Little Debbie team on Twitter, or check out photos of Marcos Ambrose cheesing in a cupcake car, or just lurk creepily.