'Generation A' Baits Hook with the Mundane, the Insane, and Shreds of Divine Comedy

Crush/Toronto, a master at taking a book's soul and turning it into pop art, drew us into the bosom of Douglas Coupland's The Gum Thief in 2007.
This year it's doing the same for Coupland's latest novel, Generation A. The approach is different: more existential, with some Tarantino pulp thrown in.
Start with the teaser, which features a snippet of Coupland responding to a random question posed by The Powers that Be:
"Since the characters in Generation A are all isolated and asked a series of seemingly random questions by a disembodied voice, we decided to subject Doug to the same experience," explains CD Gary Thomas, who adds that, as with The Gum Thief, it's the content of the book driving the creative.
Creative for the book are highly word and dialogue-driven. See "Color Samples":
And "The Tragic Death of the Channel Three News Team":
Then watch COUPLAND HISSELF respond to 10 questions, Divine Psychoanalyst-style.
We can't wait to read what's coming.
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Promotions, Trends and Culture, Video