Imagine Being Able to Take the Wii Experience ... Everywhere.

Except with a Sony Ericsson F305 phone and not an actual Wii.
The F305 is a phone equipped with game and motion sensor technology, much like the iPhone, which -- like the WiiMote -- lets users control the game based on how they move their handheld.
To promote it, launched the Motion Mania contest, where users are asked to shoot a video on mobile gaming and upload it to this website. Popular video producers could win tickets to the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Woo woo. For some self-deprecating inspiration, watch this video of a guy making an ass of himself with an F305 on the metro.
We get that technology puts you in your own little bubble and whatnot, but you gotta resent somebody willing to flail his arms so far beyond his own personal space without actually wanting to engage anyone else around him.
Topic: Consumer Created, Events, Games, Mobile/Wireless, Video