Buy Better Bulbs; WWF Will Do the Heavy Lifting


The industrial pollutants in the World Wildlife Federation's "Light Bulb" ad are only tired toys. But these miniatures -- small things we can easily control -- still convey the helplessness environmentalists feel when faced with oversized, eco-negligent businesses.

"Light Bulb" concludes with a male doll holding an energy-efficient light bulb. "You're doing your part," the ad assures us. "It's our job to help government & industry do theirs."

This message of gentle aggression is fast replaced by the image of a panda, an animal known to unfailingly melt hearts -- or in extreme conditions, cause brain explosions.

By DraftFCB/Toronto. (Note that the version of "Light Bulb" we post here is the director's cut.) Also see magazine ad and subsite, which authoritatively reads, "Reducing our environmental footprint."

This is the kind of work that manages to be both agreeable and dull at the same time.

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