Crispin Trots Globe in Pursuit of Whopper Virgins


See teaser visuals for the Whopper Virgin campaign by Crispin Porter + Bogusky for Burger King. Turn the volume down unless you dig the cacophonous din of high-pitched wind instruments.

According to AdFreak, Crispin -- our fearless leader! -- will scour the world in search of people that have never tried a Whopper, then publish a documentary about this deep spiritual journey alongside director Stacy Peralta.

The site boasts footage of unravaged remote villages as well as cultural wisdom, of which this is just one example: "If you want a real opinion about a burger, ask someone who doesn't even have a word for burger."

Ahhh. Today their stomachs, tomorrow their labour force. It's enough to make Hernan Cortes beam with childlike delight.

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"Meat? Hey you guys - this ex-skateboard freak is gonna film us eating meat!!"

"I remember meat! Remember when father and Unubo brought meat in from the hunt two seasons ago? It was wonderful!"

Chomp. Chomp. Silence.

"This meat tastes like diseased dog! What the hell is this? And what is all this tasteless stuff all around it? It tastes like cold grass from the plains!"

"I like it. So much salt, so much sugar! Why can't we eat this every day?"

"Dude, didn't you see 'Supersize Me'?

"We don't have fast food in the village. We should have cinema? You are very funny, Sonotto."

Posted by: lokisez on December 1, 2008 2:49 PM

I've never had a whopper! And I've lived in Canada my whole life. Where can I get in on this? Does East Coast city gal count as 'exotic'?

Posted by: Emma on December 1, 2008 6:51 PM

Fuckin' cool. I wish I'd pitched this idea... to just about any mainstream commodity-like brand.

Posted by: maurer on December 2, 2008 3:18 AM

It's a crappy campaign and in bad taste. I just started a petition against it here:

Posted by: Tomas Nihl�n on December 2, 2008 9:39 AM

"Crispin -- our fearless leader! -- will [scorn] the world in search of people that have never tried a Whopper, then publish a documentary about this.

Fixed that for you.

Posted by: Gavin Breyer on December 2, 2008 2:17 PM

"Crispin -- our fearless leader! -- will [induce scorn from] the world [when they] search [for] people that have never tried [insert client product here], then publish a documentary about this.

Fixed that for you.

Posted by: Gavin Breyer on December 2, 2008 2:19 PM

I don't know what I'd do without you, Gavin.

Posted by: Angela on December 2, 2008 3:06 PM

I find this campaign very interesting; I will definitely be interested to see the final advertisement. I am not sure how I feel about forcing America's bad habits on other cultures.

Posted by: s.bindrum on December 3, 2008 9:33 PM

What will Crispin (or Burger King) do if the "Whopper Virgins" pick the Big Mac over the Whopper?

Posted by: tory on December 4, 2008 12:49 AM

What will Crispin (or Burger King) do if the "Whopper Virgins" pick the Big Mac over the Whopper?

Posted by: tory on December 4, 2008 12:50 AM

What will Crispin (or Burger King) do if the "Whopper Virgins" pick the Big Mac over the Whopper?

Posted by: tory on December 4, 2008 12:52 AM

I love this campaign, and think that all of the controversy is just going to make it more of a success. Put the word "Virgins" in the title and people pay attention, because it's not a word that we hear often in such a public way. Plus, they did think ahead and are countering the negative publicity by helping out the communities that they visited in numerous different ways.

My full take on the Whopper Virgins:

Posted by: Cory O'Brien on December 6, 2008 2:53 PM

Regardless of what you think of the campaign (I personally think it's pretty tasteless), here we are talking about it. BK and Crispin surely knew they were going to offend. Indeed, that was likely their m.o. Think they could been a bit smarter about it -- this is a global brand we're talking about.

More here:

Posted by: Rob Nachbar on December 8, 2008 9:12 PM