Sean Connery Bonds With Louis Vuitton


If you've been wondering where the original James Bond, Sean Connery, has been hiding out, we can't answer that question for you but we can tell you he's come out of hiding to appear in an Annie Leibowitz-shot Louis Vuitton ad campaign. Yes, the 78 year old hottie (come on, he's still hot, right?), can be seen in the ad lounging on a beach and enjoying life.

It's the new math. 40 is the new 30. 50 is the new 40. 60 is the new 50. And 78 is the new...60...which makes James Bond 30, right? After all, the dude hasn't aged since 1962.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 8-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity   

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