Milk Sold in Japan...With Classroom Chalk Fight
Every country's culture is different from another's but Japan's always has an enjoyable bit of quirk to it which, like any country's culture, makes itself quite evident in its commercials. In this ad from the Japanese Dairy Council, a chalk fight of epic proportion breaks out between a student and a teacher.
Sadly, if this sort of spot was attempted in America, some cause group would rise up and cry inappropriate student/teacher interaction! Too Violent! To...who knows but they's come up with something.
I did a stint in Tokyo during my undergraduate. I must say that one of my favorite activities was watching Japanese TV commercials and reading billboard and magazine advertisements. The colors, themes, and styles are so vastly different from any other part of the world.
Japan may be the only place where I actually enjoy being bombarded with advertisements!
I did a stint in Tokyo during my undergraduate. I must say that one of my favorite activities was watching Japanese TV commercials and reading billboard and magazine advertisements. The colors, themes, and styles are so vastly different from any other part of the world.
Japan may be the only place where I actually enjoy being bombarded with advertisements!
is it just me, or can i not find the link to the commercial...