Plaid Reminisces, Anna Makes a Comeback, Google Minus Google

- It's the best of this year's Plaid Nation tour! Diggin' the chick who says plaid is God's favorite color.
- Anna Kournikova's still around. I like how her Maxim bio reads, "Before simply being superhot, Anna was a superhot tennis player." Put "simply being superhot" on your resume next time you get shafted, then see who throws sponsorship money at you.
- Naked guy runs across America.
- Last Visa "Go World" spot by TBWA/Chiat/Day. Michael Phelps: he keeps going and going and going and going...
- Check out Google minus Google. Running a search without getting results from YouTube, Blogger, or Knol feels sort of ... fresh.
by Angela Natividad
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Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Strange, Television, Trends and Culture, Video
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Strange, Television, Trends and Culture, Video