Levi's Street Fighters Unbutton, Do Battle


Like suiting up for epic battle - or is it un-suiting, this new Levi's commercial evokes...no, that's too fancy a word...throttles an adrenaline-fueled, intense rush for an odd combination of street dancing/jumping/fighting/flying/floating. Prior to all this dancing/jumping/fighting/flying/floating, we get a cooing female intoning, If you undo the buttons, loosen the screws, shake off the ropes...baby...ain't nothin' gonna knock you done."

It's unclear how this sells jean but if, while viewing, you plug in your external speakers and turn the volume up really, really loud, it almost makes you want to run out and buy a pair of Levi's just so you, too, can float around like these "street playas."

At least it's an actual commercial instead of those stupid, fake videos.

by Steve Hall    Aug-10-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Good, Strange   

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