Glamour Stiletto Run Travels to Moscow. Hotness Abounds


A couple years ago, we covered Glamour's Stiletto Run, a promotional event highlighting the launch of Dutch Glamour at which hundreds of women wearing heels ran a 75 meter sprint to win $10,000 Euros.

Last year the event was held in Amsterdam. We missed it but this year, just this week, it was held in Moscow and while a member of our vast Adrants reporting staff wasn't in attendance to capture the event first hand, thanks to Flickr, we can share all the glamorous, high heeled hotness with you today.

Either Moscow women are much hotter than the women of Amsterdam or the photographer of the Moscow event did a much better job capturing the available hotness.

The Stiletto Runs are now an annual event in some parts of the world and promote the Springtime Fashion issue. BSUR, the agency behind the original Amsterdam event nabbed a Cannes Promotional Lion for the 2006 version of the run and increased the magazine's circulation from 99,000 to about 160,000 after the event. In addition to Russia, Stiletto Runs are now being held in Germany and France.

Wouldn't this be perfect for Times Square? Please?

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Events, Magazine, Racy   

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