Technorati Does Blog Ads, Facebook Ties MySpace, Sly Does VW
- Technorati has launched its blog ad network.
- In April, Facebook caught up to MySpace and is now reaching 115 million people each month according to Comscore. It's not like we didn't see this coming years ago. Though MySpace still beats Facebook in the U.S. with 72 million monthly uniques as compared to Facebook's 36 million.
- Ew...just ew.
- Cyber Lions and Design Lions Cannes shortlists have been announced.
- Original MySpace creator Chris DeWolfe sat down with Advertising Age's Claude Brodesser-Akner to discuss how he wants the site to become a web portal. Huh? Portal? Seriously? That's so 1998!
- Sylvester Stallone is set to appear in a VW ad which will appear in Brazil. And on YouTube, of course.
- Need some cuntilicious cunty cuntiness courtesy of John McCain's cunty cunt of a wife? (Hey, we didn't say it. He did.)