CAANZ Calls, Copy Can, VH1 Chats, Woot Wins


- Some guy's hoping for Million Dollar Homepage fame after having fallen prey to a April Fool's joke by offering his Woot "bag of crap" to the person who wins a drawing he will hold tomorrow morning. To enter the drawing, people have to donate money.

- Creative Director Laura Sweet responds to David Pogue's article about marketer's adoption of "web 2.0" and offers a few tips.

- CAANZ wants your entries. New Zealand's CAANZ wants your submissions for its media awards and has a little commercial to urge you to do so.

- Copyblogger has the goods on how to create a "rock-solid tagline" that works.

- Newspaper print advertising revenue fell a record 9.4% last year, though growth from online ads held the overall newspaper revenue slip to 7.9%, according to a study by the Newspaper Association of America.

- VH1 said it plans to launch a new tool built for mobile devices that will provide viewers with the ability to access chat room while they watch the network's top shows.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 2-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Mobile/Wireless   

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