Law Firm Gets Weird With Wacky Lederhosen Video


Courtesy of law firm Hanson Bridgett, here's another contender for the WTF award. In the video, we've got four musicians (lawyers?) dressed in Lederhosen playing a tune as they walk to the Hanson Bridgett offices. That's it. Nothing else happens in this video save the appearance of what looks to be Apprentice bitch Omarosa towards the end.

In terms of the video's oddness and queries into the meaning of the video, Hanson Bridgett Partner Garner Weng would only say, "That's the beauty of it. If you're wondering, there is a specific message we were trying to deliver, but it's a secret."

Apparently, to set themselves apart, the firm thinks this viral video thing is the way to go. Managing Partner Andrew Giacomini said, "We examined the viral video medium and quickly recognized it was a great way to reach a new generation of people. In looking at the medium, we quickly recognized that it was not appropriate for traditional law firm messaging but would require something completely different."

Different, indeed. And we're not even going to go into our lecture about how a video is NOT A FUCKING VIRAL until it actually goes viral. On it's own, the video is amusing enough. W just really wish the secret Weng refers to wasn't so secret. Who knows, maybe their hiring Omarosa. The video was created bu Groove24 Productions' David Burns.

by Steve Hall    Mar-19-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Creative Commentary, Opinion, Video, Viral   

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yeah it'll go viral--among other lawyers. And collectors of wtf advertising. If the spot (or whatever) is meant to, duh, attract business, can't imagine consumers in need of a lawyer will leap to hire ones in lederhosen. But hey, maybe the secret is--business is so bad, HB is looking to muscle into music, playing weddings and bar mitzvahs. I went on their website to see what kind of law they do (figuring it was trial law, those guys are usually frustrated actors) The copy on their homepage is wtf, too. "As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, we find ourselves reflecting on why we have been able to thrive." Don't they know that lawyers doing their own ads is like clients defending themselves in court?

Posted by: Ad Broad on March 20, 2008 8:18 AM