Advertising Age's Digital Marketing Conference Reported Twitter-Style

Like we said yesterday, if you're not at Advertising Age's Digital Marketing Conference, you can get tidbits of it here following David Armano's Twitter feed. Right now (9:45AM) Donny Deutsch is interviewing Jeff Zucker. Some tidbits:
Zucker: "when I get in bed at night I'm usually watching your show.. then fall asleep" crowd laughs.
Zucker: "we have to give the consumer what they want but also figure out a new economic model so we can stay in business."
Zucker: "Hulu went out of beta and we are thrilled with the response--it's vastly exceeded our expectations--usage has been exceptional"
Zucker: "we think advertising will work on Hulu without corrupting the consumer experience--this is different than other models out there"
Follow it all here.