Even on AOL, Charlie Brown's Only as Good as Third Place

AOL just now released its results for the top-ranked ads in its 6th Annual AOL Super Sunday Ad Poll, sponsored by Verizon. Here's the top five:
1. Budweiser Clydesdale/dalmatian ad
2. Bridgestone squirrel spot
3. Coca-Cola's Balloons
4. Life Water's Thriller
5. E-Trade's talking baby spot
"Advertisers bring their 'A' games to the Super Bowl commercials, and Budweiser scored an impressive victory this year as the best of the best," gushed GM Derrick Heggans of AOL Sports. Nothing new there.
Gotta say we're glad the Coke Balloons spot made it into somebody's top five. But what'd we tell you? There's no beating Rocky. Maybe next time, Charlie Brown.
by Angela Natividad
Feb- 4-08
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Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion, Research, Super Bowl 2008, Trends and Culture
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion, Research, Super Bowl 2008, Trends and Culture
I swear I saw that Budweisser ad before with the Dalmatian training the horse. Are you sure that was new for this Super Bowl? Was there maybe a similar situation with the dog and horse?
The Budweiser ad was cliche and boring.
It might have that ring of familiarity because the dog/horse relationship has a long history. Look:
I don't know if it's ever been used in a mainstream ad, though.
it's a shame charlie brown still can't get any respect. that was one of the better ads i've seen in a long time. hands down my favorite from the super bowl. and that squirrel ad came in 2nd? seriously? and 'thriller' in 4th? i think i need to go into a new line of work, because i am obviously out of touch with the rest of the country.
My thought watching the SoBe ad: "When did Geico start selling Vitamin Water?"
"Budweiser scored an impressive victory this year as the best of the best," gushed GM Derrick Heggans of AOL Sports."
When I start taking my cultural cues from AOL, shoot me in the ($*%!ing head.
We concur about the Sobe spot.
Thus proving Superbowl ads are just another dog and pony show.
Get a load of the Clydesdale cameo in this Miller Lite dalmatian ad.
Were these guys sharing the same studio space? Shedwa -- maybe this is why it seems familiar...