Because Some of Them Needed a Big Ol' Platter of Common Sense.
Jaffe Juice pointed us over to this video of a super-talky Miller High Life employee dropping knowledge about this year's Super Bowl ads. Among his observations:
"Unibrow aside, would you wanna date a woman who smelled like nuts? Cashews in particular."
"If you're looking for work, it helps if you're a lizard."
We love how he can never seem to remember the brand name for all those beer ads he mentions.
Oh yeah, and he also liked that ad where the spider eats the magical firefly. That spot really deserved more cred.
This is the second effort of Miller's to invite itself into the Super Bowl water cooler circle without actually spending the cash. Check out how it steals a little of Budweiser's fire by increasing the dalmatian:Clydesdale ratio.
Low, right? But also coy. Very coy.
How about:
If I want flavored water, I'll suck a lollipop
“Those are two very effective anti-drug ads” with respect to CareerBuilder
I'm still laughing....unlike during the ACTUAL Super Bowl when I was watching the ACTUAL commercials.
Yeah, some things are only funny after they're over. Like White Chicks ... and Super Bowl 2008.
gotta love saatchi shamelessly promoting their own tide work. wonder what his thoughts would be on the red wig campaign.
Isn't he advertising for Miller High Life, not Miller Lite? He's in an existing campaign.