You're into Yoga? Pardon Me While I Cream Myself


Did you ever have that fantasy about looking so hot that other hotties literally pause on the street to look at you? Or make love to themselves against your windows? Or put on period costumes to play kinky games around your body while you complete yoga postures?

We all have. And it's all in this Equinox spot by Fallon.

But wait! There's more.

Lavish in the sight of natural beauties covered in surgical marker. And watch nuns drool visibly while sketching a living Adonis.

The campaign is called Happily Ever (what's your after?). It's totally fantasist and dripping with sex, which would have killed the concept if we were actually meant to confuse the imagery with real life.

Now, 'scuse us while we score a gym membership.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 9-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Best, Campaigns, Commercials, Magazine, Racy   

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Holy crap, this thing sucks.

Note to Fallon: If you're going to be self-indulgent, at least make it interesting self-indulgence. Nobody wants to see your creatives and your client masturbate on-camera. How boring.

And by the way, you're supposed to relax your neck when you're in that yoga position, not crane it to one side like that.

Posted by: BOOOOOOOOO!!! on January 9, 2008 3:18 PM

Wow, that's the most pretentious thing since the Obsession ads of the '80s. Though the gold lam� shorts did give me a bit of nostalgia for my Rocky Horror days in college.

Now I'm off to the pastry shop to show how much I don't care.
Okay, I care. I'll go to the gym right after I'm done with the �clairs.

Posted by: MortarKevin on January 9, 2008 6:30 PM

Visually arresting. Great art direction. Tremendous concept. I don't know why people are bashing this campaign. Honestly. I think they're going to sell a ton of, uhm, hmmmm. Okay, so I don't know what it is they're selling - big deal! Hey, advertising isn't all about selling stuff ya know. It's about...uhm...SHOOT! Nevermind.

Posted by: Matt Ziselman on January 10, 2008 11:33 AM

Visually arresting. Great art direction. Tremendous concept. I don't know why people are bashing this campaign. Honestly. I think they're going to sell a ton of, uhm, hmmmm. Okay, so I don't know what it is they're selling - big deal! Hey, advertising isn't all about selling stuff ya know. It's about...uhm...SHOOT! Nevermind.

Posted by: Matt Ziselman on January 10, 2008 11:34 AM