Web 1.0 vs Web 2,0 And What the Fu...Firebrand?
Advergirl is examining Web 1.0 versus Web 2.0 sites. Aside from the fact, the distinction is pointless and made up by geeks with nothing better to than invent a trend and slap a label on it, Advergirl (who we are most certainly not faulting here for trying to further explain the goofiness of the Web 2.0 thing) has collected nine categories of sites and asked readers to help come up with a better definition for and distinction between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 sites. For us, the distinction is easy. Web 2.0 sites have bigger buttons.
OK, can we now move on to more important topics such as why the hell the brains behind sites like Firebrand think people give two shits about viewing and sharing ads social network-style. They're ads for fuck's sake!