Frozen Babies Found In Grocery Freezers, Child Abuse Prevented
If you live in France and happen to have found a baby in the frozen food section of your local grocer, fear not. This isn't the latest baby dumping stunt by a distraught teenager; it's just a home-grown campaign to promote France's national child abuse phone number, 119. Another clue this isn't one of those baby-in-a-trash-barrel things: the babies here are tiny, plastic and wrapped in bags like toys.
It's not a sanctioned campaign but a one-off from a group of people who think the cause needs greater promotion. We're not sure what we'd do if we found a frozen baby while reaching for a bag of frozen peas but we sure like the approach these guys took to call attention to the issue. Watch the video.
by Steve Hall
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Topic: Good, Guerilla, Point of Purchase, Specialty, Strange
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Point of Purchase, Specialty, Strange