Canadians -- of All People -- Put the Bridle on Seduction

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Few things are funner on a Sunday than the prospect of watching 10 Canadian shorts on seduction. (Apparently Canada's inherited more from the French than just a moody passel of Quebecois.) But there's more to do on the Sundance Channel's Art of Seduction site than sit around watching politicians lie, pretty people lamenting their genetic burden, and devious webcammers (all of which we did).

The seduction style quiz was among the funner surveys we've taken in awhile. As an added incentive to blowing 20 minutes on 40 questions, the site strokes your ego with an illustrated seduction guide for your type. Yum.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-14-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Online, Promotions, Video   

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Maybe I'm lost in translation, but �moody passel of Quebecois� sounds like a racial slur. If that's the case, an apology from the author is necessary.

Posted by: Francois Perreault on October 15, 2007 11:48 AM

Thanks for your email, Francois -- I'll respond to you there.

Posted by: Angela on October 15, 2007 12:14 PM

1) Quebecois may refer to anyone who resides in Quebec.

2) Le Qu�b�cois is a newspaper based in Quebec City.featuring columns from Pierre Falardeau and past Premier of Quebec Jacques Parizeau.

3)Qu�b�cois, is a rapid speaking manner sometimes used by Quebec French in order to emphasize their distinctness from urban Canadians that do not speak Quebecian French.

4) Something of or pertaining to the province of Quebec, Canada, and especially its paranoid Francophone community.

Posted by: Jacques on October 15, 2007 12:46 PM

Thanks Angela. To Jacques: Thanks for that not biased explanation. Better be paranoid than obtuse. ;P

Posted by: Francois on October 15, 2007 2:01 PM