Nike Introduces the Greatest Team We've Never Heard Of


Hoping, perhaps, to bring back the days of Mia Hamm, Wieden + Kennedy just launched a new Nike campaign for the Women's World Cup with the headline, "The greatest team you've never heard of," which introduces women's soccer's next greats. Illustrating the dedication of the team, the copy in one ad reads, "Together [they] have missed out on 13 proms, 74 birthdays, 21 Thanksgivings and 989 boyfriends." And in an effort to familiarize us with the team, copy in another ad reads, "[the team] includes a tattooed surfer, a scholar, a college football fanatic, a humanitarian and a trucker hat-wearing scuba diver."

Helping us further understand this team, the copy in yet another ad reads, "The greatest team you've never heard of played 22 games last year and did not lose once. This team put 57 shots into opponents' nets and pulled only 10 balls out of its own."

We like this campaign. It's simple. It's straight forward. And it's subtle in its aim to bring attention to a sport that's always been an underdog in America. Though with suburban America's fields filled with young soccer players on a regular basis, this sport just might make it out of the shadows.

See all the creative here.

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Good, Magazine   

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You can view the two TV spots here:


Posted by: Brent on September 12, 2007 11:25 AM

Of note is the music for the commercial. �10lb Moustache� from The Man In A Blue Turban With A Face.

The band is Man Man.

Posted by: Brady on September 12, 2007 8:25 PM

Posted by: nfl4sale on November 27, 2008 9:45 PM