Friday Foolery: Vaginads, Boobs, Google, Keira Knightley,

- Tom Ford and Vulva fixate on a particular female body part and introduce a new advertising trend: Vaginads.
- Not that you frequent a laundromat all that often but if you do, you just might be assaulted by washing machines bearing gigantic advertising posters.
- We stir debate as to whether or not Mazda, which does still make cars, can still create good commercials.
- What's a week without an appearance by our favorite hottie, Obama Girl? This time she's hooked up with Giuliani Girl to support the troops on behalf of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association.
- Look! Look! Look! Now you can blow an ad banner and make a website freeze!
- And what would a week be without the industry speculating as to whether or not Google will launch an ad agency-like entity to further devour Madison Avenue?
- Marketers latch onto the latest trends like a thirsty baby to an engorged breast. We examine the insanity.
- And yes. There's a new movie out and it's using YouTube videos to promote itself and yes, the video feature a huge breasted cheerleader. This is advertising, after all.
- Keira Knightley- makes herself at home in Gabrielle Chanel's Paris apartment as part of a new campaign for the label's Coco Mademoiselle fragrance.
- Oh wait...this should be at the top of the list. Hold your breath. Wait for it. Ready? won an account! Yes, an actual account with a budget that pays money! Give them a fist bump.