Sisley Ad Brings New Meaning to the Term, 'Coke White'
Animal New York pointed us to this new Sisley ad by Zoo Advertising, Shanghai. Across the bottom of the brand are the words "Fashioin Junkie."
Irritation over the misspelling of "Fashion," and consequent suspicion of the ad's legitimacy, aside, Sisley is typified for the poetic license it exercises to put women in compromising positions, examples here and here. We're clearly not in the same neighborhood as cause-toting sister label Benetton anymore.
But hey, this is no time to preach the message. Clever use of the credit card in the spot, considering the nicely-carved coke-white dress probably cost as much as a nicely carved couple ounces.
UPDATE: In the comments section, a note from Sisley states these images are not the approved work of the company. Um, right. Is that why it took them so long to make this comment?
If this is real it's disgusting. The one looking into camera is sick and in need of medical attention. I thought Heroin Chic was over? What's the message? Hooray for addicts maybe?
It's so over the top in its glorification that I hope it's a fake and thereby a message to marketers that this sort of ad is a bad idea. Tonight I'm going through my wife's magazines to flag all the horrible fashion ads that glorify this kind of shit. Maybe that will convince her to not renew those subscriptions, not for her but for our daughter.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting this stuff be banned. Marketers want to pump out shit like this and magazine are only too happy to sell the space. Whatever.
my guess,'s spec.
If it's not spec, it's the same executional idea of an old shoe ad that was even on the cover of Lurzers.
FASHIOIN is not a misspelling!!
It aims to sound like a drug, like Heroin!
Cut with these sensitivities! I think this ad is great!
FASHIOIN is not a misspelling!!
It aims to sound like a drug, like Heroin!
Cut with these sensitivities! I think this ad is great!
Wow, sensitivities, huh? How about this for sensitivities, you are an idioit!
OK. I'm confused now. Who's the idiot? :-)
Has anyone else noticed that the model on the left has her nipple hanging out?
Has anyone else noticed that the model on the left has her nipple hanging out?
Statement on a fake Sisley campaign
20 July, 2007
In the recent days, images which are told to be part of the new Sisley advertising campaign have been published in internet.
One of these images shows some girls "sniffing a vest". The allusion to drugs and alcohol is more than clear. We would like to clearly state that the Sisley brand (and the Benetton company) has nothing to do with these images and therefore we refuse to be linked with them.
Please also note that these images infringe Benetton's rights in the Sisley trademark. Our Legal Department has therefore been retained to take all advisable actions to protect the company's rights and interests.
The next Sisley campaign will instead have a very special testimonial, Stephanie Seymour, worldwide recognized as an icon of fashion and beauty.
For further information: [email protected]