Sears' Die Hard Click-to-Call Doesn't


We're thinking if Sears were to partner with eStara on a click-to-call, battery promotion project, the two might actually want the thing to work. Perhaps, we just caught them at a busy time. Although, we wonder how many people are really buying batteries at 12:30 AM. It's all working fine now but it's random glitches like this that insure POTS (plan old telephone service) will always have a place in this world.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Bad, Brands, Online, Tools   

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How many Sears have you seen open at 12:30am?

Perhaps this is what sears wants to happen when stores are closed?

Characterizing this as a problem, when the store is closed is not very smart.

Posted by: Fred on July 10, 2007 12:17 PM

Hi Steve:

We are glad you checked out the site and tried out the service. But, to confirm Fred�s comment, the click to call button was set to hours of operation, which is why you were unable to connect at 12:30am.

Like many businesses that use Click to Call and Click to Chat, Sears opts to use eStara's business rules to have click to call available during times when their contact center is open. Regrettably, the message you received was an error and should have stated that the call could not be initiated due to the fact that it was after hours, not because of high call volumes. That issue has been fixed.

At eStara we have enjoyed our successes specifically because of our reliability, scalability and performance. And, many of our hundreds of customers operate their call centers 24x7 around the globe. So, if you're struck by a desire to connect with a call center in the middle of the night again, let me know and I can make sure you're connected immediately!

Best Regards,

John Federman

Posted by: John Federman on July 10, 2007 5:55 PM

I tried it, and they called me back faster than I could time it. After I clicked, it took maybe 5 seconds for them to be on the phone.

Posted by: kern1ngchamp on July 17, 2007 3:36 PM

I tried it, and they called me back faster than I could time it. After I clicked, it took maybe 5 seconds for them to be on the phone.

Posted by: kern1ngchamp on July 17, 2007 3:37 PM

I tried it, and they called me back faster than I could time it. After I clicked, it took maybe 5 seconds for them to be on the phone.

Posted by: kern1ngchamp on July 17, 2007 3:38 PM