Milk Worse Than Second Hand Smoke


The Truth campaign's latest commercial informs the public tobacco companies, in 1996, said drinking a glass or two of whole milk is riskier than second hand smoke and does so in its usual fashion with Derrick Beckles...and his glasses... visiting a dairy farmer. The perplexed farmer simply can't believe anyone could say such a thing about something so wholesome as milk. Though there are those out there who think drinking milk is disgusting, claim most milk contains harmful additives and the fat content (remember, we're talking whole milk here) is bad for the body, equating that to the inhalation of second hand cigarette smoke is a bit of a stretch even for the Truth campaign.

Why doesn't the Truth campaign just show a picture of this dude and be done with it.

by Steve Hall    Jun-10-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials   

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Hi, I would like to comment on the milk issue that was recently brought up. I have learned that even when we pasterize our milk it detnatures the protiens, and therefore we get a negative effect then a positive one. This change in the enzyme in protien actually takes calcium from our bones. Then there are hormones that is placed in our milk so the cows will contiune to provide milk and there are antibiotics in the milk also so the cows do not get sick. I have also read of in some areas of cows prodicing puss on the top of the milk. There are a lot of illness that it causes. I am not sure if it actually is worst than second hand smoke but it is definietly not good for you.

Posted by: Tiffany Brien on June 12, 2007 4:08 PM

Hi, I would like to comment on the milk issue that was recently brought up. I have learned that even when we pasterize our milk it detnatures the protiens, and therefore we get a negative effect then a positive one. This change in the enzyme in protien actually takes calcium from our bones. Then there are hormones that is placed in our milk so the cows will contiune to provide milk and there are antibiotics in the milk also so the cows do not get sick. I have also read of in some areas of cows prodicing puss on the top of the milk. There are a lot of illness that it causes. I am not sure if it actually is worst than second hand smoke but it is definietly not good for you.

Posted by: Tiffany Brien on June 12, 2007 4:08 PM

Hi, I would like to comment on the milk issue that was recently brought up. I have learned that even when we pasterize our milk it detnatures the protiens, and therefore we get a negative effect then a positive one. This change in the enzyme in protien actually takes calcium from our bones. Then there are hormones that is placed in our milk so the cows will contiune to provide milk and there are antibiotics in the milk also so the cows do not get sick. I have also read of in some areas of cows prodicing puss on the top of the milk. There are a lot of illness that it causes. I am not sure if it actually is worst than second hand smoke but it is definietly not good for you.

Posted by: Tiffany Brien on June 12, 2007 4:09 PM

tiffany, you're an idiot. first, learn to spell. then, learn not to quadruple post. then, quit believing all the bullshit people pour into your eager, idiot ears. and drink a glass of milk, child, calcium is good for you.

Posted by: me on June 17, 2007 2:52 PM

yO DiS yAh GuRL MiMi & iM HaPPy iM LaCtOsE iNtORerAnT i SaW DaT CoMMeRiCiAl & i WuZ LyK WhOa! WeLL PeAc3 OuT

Posted by: Melissa on June 19, 2007 9:42 PM

yO DiS yAh GuRL MiMi & iM HaPPy iM LaCtOsE iNtORerAnT i SaW DaT CoMMeRiCiAl & i WuZ LyK WhOa! WeLL PeAc3 OuT

Posted by: Melissa on June 19, 2007 9:44 PM

Tiffany, those are awesome points. But for the truth to go to a man who makes his living off selling milk to argue his point on how healthy it is, - is like visiting a bartender to break an alcohol addiction. Milk is one of the first things we learned about when i was pursuing my degree in nutrition, we learned how to absolutely avoid it at all costs. And for you ME-- milk is one of the worst sources of calcium, because it barely supplies any- vs. the dangers it imposes on the human body. Now remember this, smoking only kills about 1 in every 3 smokers, but food related heart disease kills 1 out of 2 americans.

Posted by: me2 on July 5, 2007 12:48 AM

Tiffany, those are awesome points. But for the truth to go to a man who makes his living off selling milk to argue his point on how healthy it is, - is like visiting a bartender to break an alcohol addiction. Milk is one of the first things we learned about when i was pursuing my degree in nutrition, we learned how to absolutely avoid it at all costs. And for you ME-- milk is one of the worst sources of calcium, because it barely supplies any- vs. the dangers it imposes on the human body. Now remember this, smoking only kills about 1 in every 3 smokers, but food related heart disease kills 1 out of 2 americans.

Posted by: me2 on July 5, 2007 12:52 AM

I think the milk commercial is true since cows are being drug by eating the wrong things than grass or their natural foods.

Posted by: Chris on July 17, 2007 10:54 PM

I was pleasantly surprised to see this commercial on the television, but I wonder how long it will air for before the dairy industry, and other power-houses, violently protest and surpress it.

Posted by: BJ on July 20, 2007 12:39 AM

I think all our food supply is contaminated with drugs now, so my opinion is one is possibly no better than the other.

Posted by: nicole on July 24, 2007 7:30 PM

I would like to say that I use and drink milk on a daily basis...

It happens to be fat free that I buy and I buy it more for the vitamin D than for anything else...

So I would be hard for me to argue with the "truth" thing...Whole milk is not a good choice for people to buy....

This is my opinion and it is my choice ,I criticize no one ...eveyone is intitled to their own..

Posted by: Dragonkindress on July 24, 2007 7:32 PM


Posted by: aa ron on July 25, 2007 6:43 AM


Posted by: aa ron on July 25, 2007 6:44 AM


Posted by: aa ron on July 25, 2007 6:44 AM


Posted by: aa ron on July 25, 2007 6:45 AM

So I am a little confused. Is it true or not?
If someone would be so kind and explain this I would greatly appreciate your time.

Posted by: LaGina on July 31, 2007 2:49 PM

ok I don't see the danger when everyone's been just fine with milk until this commercial popped up! Our ancestors and elders did just fine on milk and probably got second hand smoke on top of that! I preferably drink 2% and don't even know how that is good or bad for me....all I know is I like milk and I'm sure most folks do! Calves drink from there moms and they do just fine as well. So where's the problem! I thought the show was to point out how bad smoke and 2nd hand is bad for you not how milk is bad for you!!!

Posted by: Alabama on August 2, 2007 11:38 PM

ok I don't see the danger when everyone's been just fine with milk until this commercial popped up! Our ancestors and elders did just fine on milk and probably got second hand smoke on top of that! I preferably drink 2% and don't even know how that is good or bad for me....all I know is I like milk and I'm sure most folks do! Calves drink from there moms and they do just fine as well. So where's the problem! I thought the show was to point out how bad smoke and 2nd hand is bad for you not how milk is bad for you!!!

Posted by: Alabama on August 2, 2007 11:39 PM

ok I don't see the danger when everyone's been just fine with milk until this commercial popped up! Our ancestors and elders did just fine on milk and probably got second hand smoke on top of that! I preferably drink 2% and don't even know how that is good or bad for me....all I know is I like milk and I'm sure most folks do! Calves drink from there moms and they do just fine as well. So where's the problem! I thought the show was to point out how bad smoke and 2nd hand is bad for you not how milk is bad for you!!!

Posted by: Alabama on August 2, 2007 11:39 PM

milk is for fat people anyway, i never drink it

Posted by: Mike Danger on August 3, 2007 12:19 AM

What the fuck? I want to hear from the people who created this fucking commercial and tell me why the fuck is milk is worse than secondhand smoke. They posted a commercial and left people wondering why this is so. None of us has a concrete anwser to this, because they never gave out the reason. Instead, we have to speculate the reasons. Goddamnit.
Sorry for ranting, I just find it frustrating. If anybody hear from the company or some reliable source, please link the site. I need proof.

Posted by: MilkMan on August 8, 2007 12:42 AM

Okay....The commercial is still agaisnt the tobacco companies. How? Noticed when the interviewer said that the tobacco companies said that whole milk is worse than secondhand smoke. What this commercial is about is that tobacco companies comes up with stupid lies like this so they make it seem that smoking is not so bad after all. Still....the commercial need to be clarified a little bit because obviously it confused a lot of people.
Case closed.
Got milk?

Posted by: MilkMan on August 8, 2007 12:47 PM

What a loser. You were one of those people MilkMan.

Posted by: Jesse on August 9, 2007 1:40 AM

ummm. im not sure what to believe i mean i dont know much about milk and ppl are saying milk is bad for you but if it takes out more calcium then it puts in then you can always take calcium supliments if your worried about that kind but second hand smoke is even worse then regular smoking and you cant take a vitamin for lung cancer

Posted by: KillerTurnip on August 9, 2007 9:53 AM

ummm. im not sure what to believe i mean i dont know much about milk and ppl are saying milk is bad for you but if it takes out more calcium then it puts in then you can always take calcium supliments if your worried about that kind but second hand smoke is even worse then regular smoking and you cant take a vitamin for lung cancer

Posted by: KillerTurnip on August 9, 2007 9:55 AM

I am a dairy producer from Wisconsin and I have a few things to say. there are no antibiotics in your milk there is not puss in your milk it does not take calcium from your bones .If I made milk like that , I would be out of business , the creamery would not even pick it up from my farm. I can not believe you people , are you really that disconnected from the world of agriculture? You really think milk could be bad for you? come on. What does every new born baby on this planet get for its first meal, animals or people? That�s right milk. And by the way I get my milk straight from my bulk tank and I am just as healthy and fit as when I was in the Army , and it tastes so much better when its fresh as the morning dew and I know I made it my self. Bit long winded but its all true.

Drink Milk Its Good For YOU

Posted by: jon eastvold on August 9, 2007 12:37 PM

I am a dairy producer from Wisconsin and I have a few things to say. there are no antibiotics in your milk there is not puss in your milk it does not take calcium from your bones .If I made milk like that , I would be out of business , the creamery would not even pick it up from my farm. I can not believe you people , are you really that disconnected from the world of agriculture? You really think milk could be bad for you? come on. What does every new born baby on this planet get for its first meal, animals or people? That�s right milk. And by the way I get my milk straight from my bulk tank and I am just as healthy and fit as when I was in the Army , and it tastes so much better when its fresh as the morning dew and I know I made it my self. Bit long winded but its all true.

Drink Milk Its Good For YOU

Posted by: jon eastvold on August 9, 2007 12:40 PM

I am a dairy producer from Wisconsin and I have a few things to say. there are no antibiotics in your milk there is not puss in your milk it does not take calcium from your bones .If I made milk like that , I would be out of business , the creamery would not even pick it up from my farm. I can not believe you people , are you really that disconnected from the world of agriculture? You really think milk could be bad for you? come on. What does every new born baby on this planet get for its first meal, animals or people? That�s right milk. And by the way I get my milk straight from my bulk tank and I am just as healthy and fit as when I was in the Army , and it tastes so much better when its fresh as the morning dew and I know I made it my self.

Drink Milk Its Good For YOU

Posted by: jon eastvold on August 9, 2007 12:40 PM

i agree with you that is true milk is what a newborn child drinks.... I'm sure people wouldnt let their kids drink it if it was so bad... Right?

Posted by: jacon on August 29, 2007 12:30 AM

in general, milk is good for you. no matter what kind of milk you drink, such as 2%, fat-free, viatmin D, or while. what matters the most is the calicum in the milk. however, my opinion on this website is that you all need to stop debating your reasons on whether if milk is bad for your body or not. milk obviously provides calcium that support the strength of your bones and without milk, your bones can become weaker. i can go on and on but calicum is significant in this case. have a nice day.

also, if you mention that there is 'puss' in the milk, how would you know? if someone notices, they should tell the farm board and they will not be able to provide milk for americans because this can be a danger to our lives.

Posted by: Martha Anges on September 2, 2007 2:23 AM

Hi! I can not believe some of the comments I just read. Where do some of you get your facts, out of a bubblegum machine? Milk is natures soft drink. If more of you drank milk instead of those sugary soft drinks you would all be alot healthier. Milk is probably one of the most tested foods out there. It is tested before it ever gets to the plant. If they find any antibiotics at all, that milk would be dumped and not only would the farmer not get paid but would have to pay a fine. So do you really think a farmer wants to lose money, they don't get enough as it is. Milk is good for you. Plus it helps you loose weight. Besides without milk you wouldn't have all those other things you love(cheese,yogurt,ice cream,butter...)

Posted by: Jean on September 15, 2007 11:44 PM

After reading some of the comments on here....well damn Im just....ugh

Milk is bad for you, period. Well actually, it's gone from bad to worse in recent history.

FYI, the world revolves around money. There isnt some little group of dudes sitting around cooking up stuff to ***K the US and other milk drinking countries over, but there is a little group of dudes sitting around scheming how to make money. Dairy is a multi billion dollar industry.

Point in case, if you drink milk, your an idiot.

Or hey, just ignore the truth, do what society tells you, and drink your milk like a good American.

Posted by: Dream on October 24, 2007 11:52 PM

You are all idiots...i am a dairy farmer and giving cows drugs is the same dang thing as you taking a vitaman daily....because that is all bts is when you give it to a is a dang vitaman forr the cow...gets you facks straight before you dis on the farmer....because you wouldnt be able to live with out us..... everythng you eat on of us had to slave over.... so get over it.....

Posted by: Jessica Fether on November 18, 2007 11:16 PM

You are all idiots...i am a dairy farmer and giving cows drugs is the same dang thing as you taking a vitaman daily....because that is all bts is when you give it to a is a dang vitaman forr the cow...gets you facks straight before you dis on the farmer....because you wouldnt be able to live with out us..... everythng you eat on of us had to slave over.... so get over it.....

Posted by: Jessica Fether on November 18, 2007 11:16 PM

There are a lot of pots calling a bunch of kettles black. And by that, I mean the idiots calling others posting here idiots. The real issue here isn't whether secondhand smoke is worse for you than milk. The real issue is 99% of the above posters' ability to comprehend what they hear. The only one that seems to have caught the general idea of the commercial, though not initially, was MilkMan. This commercial is an anti-tobacco ad.

First of all, notice Derick Beckles sites the tobacco company as the source of the information. That being that milk is more hazardous than secondhand smoke. Then, he goes on to question the farmer with - quite obvious - rhetorical questions. Such questions being, is this where you put the Benzene? Followed closely by, this isn't Polonium 210? Arsenic? Nope. The point he was making here is that milk does not contain those toxic chemicals; cigarettes do. After this, he asks the farmer if he works with a lot of manure, which of course he does. Then he goes in for the kill, "What I just told you, does that sound like a pile of manure?"

To which the farmer replies, "Yeah... a big pile of it."

Lastly, he finishes the commercial by asking, "milk is more dangerous than secondhand smoke?" right after he takes a drink of milk.

First of all, I'd like to point out that someone wouldn't be drinking milk in an anti-milk ad. Secondly, you can tell it's a question, rhetorical in nature again, by the upwards inflection in his voice. Somehow though, a lot of people seemed to misinterpret all of these things.

In the end, it's probably best that this not be used as a commercial. If anything, it'll just incite a bunch of hasty, poorly thought out comments or reactions like what is demonstrated above.

Posted by: Pandemonium on February 27, 2008 11:37 PM

whatch EarthLings. It is an hour and thirty min documentary of the use of animals and our depenancy in our every day life. It shows the way cows are housed and treated in the really big milk factorys. It is really mind opening and educational. I was doing research on birds when I was brought to a link about puss in our milk I dont know if that is true but it was really convincing especialy after I saw Earthlings. I wish I could remember the link to the site with the puss but I dont. You can Google Earthlings and you can watch it right on Google. Im sure smaller milk industries would be more caring for the cows that produce their milk like the mom and pop sture that care more for their customers.

Posted by: gray on April 17, 2008 12:13 PM

raw unpasterized unhomogenized hormone and antibiotic free milk is a perfect food.
here in states they sell a puss not milk.
that is why there are so many degenarated and sick people in states, depopulation comes in mind
more on

Posted by: sober on April 12, 2009 11:03 AM