Superpower Screw-Ups Get Revisited for Smart


Vlan! points us to some ads for the Smart car, a vehicle that, however practical, looks just as awkward as the expressions crystallized in these winning moments for icons like Saddam and Bush.


Smart's slogan: "Open your mind."

We wonder who they're talking to. We're pretty sure none of these foiblers suffered from lack of imagination - they all did some zany things that ended up upsetting most everybody in the world.

Could it be that we're supposed to identify with them? If that's so, the tags on the ads aren't deeply encouraging. For example, the line just above Clinton's frowny face reads, "Interns and cigars. Not smart." No shit, Sherlock.

by Angela Natividad    May-16-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Magazine   

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