What Nappy Headed Ho? Advertisers Want Imus Back


How soon we forget...but just one week? Yup. Advertiser are already talking about hooking up with Imus just a week after he was fired from CBS for his "nappy headed ho" remark. GM spokeswoman Ryndee Carney said, "We obviously don't condone his statements, but we have found value advertising on Imus in the past. Up to this point, the good has outweighed the bad. If an opportunity is presented to us, we would assess it just like we do all the other opportunities that come our way." Ah yes, corporate drooling for eyeballs continues to outweigh taking a stand on an issue. It's just too alluring to ignore the wallets of those who might still listen to Imus if and when he ever were to reappear.

Of course, to be clear, most advertisers didn't want Imus to go away in the first place. They saw a need to distance themselves temporarily from the situation but most realize the man still has a following and that following has money to spend on advertiser's product. That sentiment always trumps any higher moral ground a marketer might espouse during the short terms.

And so it goes. An offense occurs. Advertisers claim disgust and bail. Then advertisers see revenue fall and return to the very place they once vehemently shunned. Classic capitalism.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Celebrity, Radio, Trends and Culture   

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Posted by: angela on April 18, 2007 2:35 PM

wow, i am shocked, stunned and amazed.

Posted by: bob visco on April 18, 2007 3:17 PM

Not sure if GM�s statements should be viewed as ballsy or showing a lack of testicles � and a lack of brains.

So many people have blasted Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for alleged hypocrisy on the Imus incident. Let�s put GM at the top of the hypocrites list. After all, this automaker employs multicultural advertising agencies to reach minority markets; plus, they run advertisements and programs that claim to recognize and respect minorities (check out the link below for examples). Looks like GM loves minorities � but only when it meets profit objectives. Sorry, but GM demonstrates why the efforts of Jackson and Sharpton are more necessary than ever.


Posted by: HighJive on April 18, 2007 8:26 PM

Advertisers should have waited until the women from Rutger's met with him and gave their opinion. They want to move on. They have forgiven Imus for his words and understand him better.
Advertisers should understand him as well. I for one have given up on MSNBC as well as NBC and CBS until someone puts Imus back on. But you can bet I'll buy nothing but Bigelow Tea from now on! They hung in there and I hope they go out of stock from women who understood Imus rants and raves...and often horrible comments. In his new show, I know there will be a new I-Man. And I for one...will watch it.

Posted by: janmarie Zwiren on April 19, 2007 11:42 AM

Advertisers should have waited until the women from Rutger's met with him and gave their opinion. They want to move on. They have forgiven Imus for his words and understand him better.
Advertisers should understand him as well. I for one have given up on MSNBC as well as NBC and CBS until someone puts Imus back on. But you can bet I'll buy nothing but Bigelow Tea from now on! They hung in there and I hope they go out of stock from women who understood Imus rants and raves...and often horrible comments. In his new show, I know there will be a new I-Man. And I for one...will watch it.

Posted by: gojz on April 19, 2007 11:49 AM

janmarie Zwiren,

With all due respect, your interpretation of the Rutgers team�s response is somewhat, um, clueless. Yes, the women decided to move on. But probably because they recognized Imus for exactly what he is � a mean-spirited, old bigot. They forgave him because they are what he will never be � mature and professional class acts. Take a look at the perspectives of Coach Vivian Stringer below. She probably would not agree with your hope that Bigelow Tea �go out of stock from women who understood Imus rants and raves.� It�s pretty clear Stringer led her players through the mess. Plus, it�s pretty obvious Imus isn�t qualified to shine her shoes.


Posted by: HighJive on April 19, 2007 8:00 PM

it's good to be selective when citing a story, instead of putting up the whole thing Highjive.

Posted by: egg sandwich on April 23, 2007 4:02 AM

He can't come back soon enough. MSNBC, NBC, CBS, sponsors etc....there was lots of hypocrisy to go around. I don't believe the young women at Rutgers even knew who he was until they were manipulated by the media. They were gracious...too bad that trait is sorely lacking in corporate actions.

Posted by: maine girl on April 23, 2007 9:25 AM

If a guy can sue a drycleaner for millions for ruining his favorite pair of pants, I think Imus has a pretty fair chance of winning this one. And, CBS is going to countersue for "loss of revenue"? You fired the guy, remember? As old Don would say, "You just can't make this stuff up".

Posted by: PattyAnn on May 4, 2007 9:47 AM

The name of the school is Rutgers, not Rutger's. Second of all, yes, the team forgave the old shock jock, and third of all, yeah, what he said was wrong and insulting, and he's suffered a punishment; now, I'm fine with him going back on the air because he has been punished for his sin.

Anyone notice the rash of firings going on over similar insults? "Nappy-headed ho" gave rise to a firing over "shlimp flied lice" (a poke at the Chinese using Japanese pronunciation habits) and some "nappy headed ho" nonsense among police misogynists (and some complaints thereof).

Posted by: some Rutgers dude on May 15, 2007 12:45 PM