Poker Gets Serious. Loses Sex, Bootie, Streakers, Cows, Lingerie


Here's a refreshingly new approach to online poker advertising. Rather than strangely dressed booth babes, sex-laced silliness, strippers with surprise endings, politically stylized bootie, potentially removed fingers, branded streakers (1, 2), lingerie-clad pillow fighters and painted cows, we have serious poker players actually playing serious poker. Who knew? Full Tilt Poker knows and, in a new campaign created by WongDoody, it leaves all the silliness behind.

Rather than treat poker as some sort of game for retards (can't wait to see who emails me on that slur), the campaign elevates the game to what it is: a game of strategy, intelligence, intensity and skill. The eight television spots in the campaign were directed by filmmaker Errol Morris who helmed The Thin Blue Line and Fog of War. A supporting print campaign accompanies the television effort.

by Steve Hall    Feb-26-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Television   

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great post. dead accurate.

[of course and solely as a side point, many seasoned players probably love to take money from novice players who respond to the slapstick-meets -jackass poker ads run by other sites.]

Posted by: marcom on February 26, 2007 2:33 PM