Audi Logo Found In Chevy Ad
Adrants reader Marcos Rozen, editor of the Brazilian AutoData, sent us this scan of a Chevrolet ad that appeared on page two of the February 5 issue of Automotive News. In the upper right hand corner of the ad, interlocking metal rings are hanging from a fence. One has to wonder how an ad with imagery so similar to a competitor's logo can make it through the lengthy approval process without being caught. We're thinking someone caught some serious shit for this and furious calls were made to Automotive News asking the magazine to yank the ad. At least we hope so. It'd be sad to think any brand would allow this to happen.
Come on. Unless Audi added 4 interlocking rings under their logo, it's not an Audi logo. It's just a bad crop of a weird fence. Unless it's an unauthorized use of the Olympic logo! OMG! Alert the IOC!
TOTALLY breaks the "two ring" spacing rule for Audi logo usage. That's way too close to the margin.
TOTALLY breaks the "two ring" spacing rule for Audi logo usage. That's way too close to the margin.
Oh please. Other than a thumbprint-happy brand manager, I doubt anyone else cares. What's next? FIne-tooth-combing every single Walmart ad for a target-looking shape? Come on.
the only people who caught that are marketing nimrods like us. I can call us nimrods because i am one...
WhatÕs sad is that Chevy ad is better than any Audi ad ever done while the Audi account was at McKinney and Silver.
Does anybody know who did this for Audi? I like the different take on female + car theme.