Entercom Called 'Criminal,' FM Gets Responsible, Bud Gets Funny

- FMBQ reports Royce International Broadcasting alleges to the FCC that Entercom, which hopes to acquire 16 CBS radio stations, is "a highly-leveraged criminal enterprise that cannot be relied on to serve the public interest" an wants the sale stopped.
- It seems the idiocy that is the FM radio promotional stunt may come to an end. FMBW repoprts, "After radio contestant Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication - the result of KDND/Sacramento's water-drinking contest Hold Your Wee for a Wii - syndicated radio personality Erich 'Mancow' Muller has announced that he is creating the Foundation For Responsible Radio and calling for an end to 'voyeuristic FM radio stunts.'" Nah. Opie and Anthony are still out there.
- Cynopsis reports the President's State of the Union address was viewed by a combined station total of 45.5 million people, up from 41.7 million in 2006.
- Courtesy of DDB and the return of Anheueser-Busch's marketing man, Bob Lachky, the brewer plans to return to a more comical theme with its crop of Super Bowl ads this year.
- Wendy's has awarded its $300 million creative account to Saatchi & Saatchi. MediaVest will handle media. McCann Erikson is out $300 million.
- Hilary Clinton has launched a BlogAds campaign for her Presidential bid. Wouldn't it be cool if she won. Historians would look back at the Bush, Clinston, Bush, Clinton thing and ask, what the hell was that?
- New York City has decided to brand the 18 millions condoms they give away each year because, well, a condom with the image of the Empire State Building on it is just really cool.