FDR Ad Compares Stem Cells to Penicillin

Continuing the stem cell debate that's risen into public salience because of the Michael J. Fox ad, this ad asks us to imagine what life would be like if FDR looked at penicillin the way Bush looks at stem cell research.
It's a provocative context to say the least. And not to change the subject or anything, but doesn't FDR sound kind of like the Wizard of Oz? - Contributed by Angela Natividad
by Angela Natividad
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Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Trends and Culture, Video
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Trends and Culture, Video
That's a pretty shallow analogy, used only to stir the opposition, not actually make a point. Was there ever a moral opposition to penicillon? I would imagine opposition to its use was founded mainly on lack of scientific education, not moral issues.
The issue with stem cell research is an entirely moral one--are we killing human beings or not?
Stand on whichever side you choose, but it's vastly different than a debate over the medicinal value of mold. And this is a debate that has no middle ground or compromise.
The "ad" is hype, pure and simple, with no regard for the facts or the realities of the debate.
That's a pretty shallow analogy, used only to stir the opposition, not actually make a point. Was there ever a moral opposition to penicillon? I would imagine opposition to its use was founded mainly on lack of scientific education, not moral issues.
The issue with stem cell research is an entirely moral one--are we killing human beings or not?
Stand on whichever side you choose, but it's vastly different than a debate over the medicinal value of mold. And this is a debate that has no middle ground or compromise.
The "ad" is hype, pure and simple, with no regard for the facts or the realities of the debate.
Sorry for the duplicate comment. Got an error the first time.