College Notebooks Become Ad Medium

If there are still college students who use notebooks versus laptops for note taking then a new company called Unotes just might have an interesting new method of advertising to the hard to reach demographic segment. Launching in January, Unotes plans to take the lowly 5-subject notebook and turn it into an ad medium selling glossy four color divider pages, the back cover and watermarked pages and using that revenue to provide the notebooks to students for free. There's a charity angle as well with part of the proceeds going to First Book, an organization that provides books to children of low income families. We've seen the prototype and we like what we see. The program will role out nationally in September.
Along with Unotes notebooks, the website yet to launch will offer a virtual world of sorts which will mimick a college campus and college town complete with, yes, embedded brand promotions and other good stuff such as branded ringtones, MP3s, screensavers, wallpaper, buddy icons, video clips and advergames. It's not up yet so we can't comment on its viability though it's intended specifically not to be a Facebook-like place but rather an environment full of deals which studdents can seek out.
Giving away 10,000 notebooks to kids that can't afford squat, that is like pouring honey over your heart. Kudos to Steve for this PS post.
Hey, actually, I'm a student at UC Berkeley, and we got free notebooks with ads in them from another company GPA Media at:
I love 'em cause I got coupons and stuff.
Anyone know what happened to Unotes? ...there website is no longer up?