Oil Sucks, Wind Blows, Video Contests Are Fun

Using an online video creation widget they developed which will allow agencies to easily create online video contests, Invoke has launched an online video contest of their own. Called Wind Blows, the contest offers $10,000 to the person who creates the best video for Western Wind Energy, a proponent of wind power. They've put up an admittedly cheesy initial video as an example but we all know you creative types out there can do better. Want $10,000? Check out this contest. And be nice to us for telling you about it and stick our logo in your video somewhere.
Aw yeah! What better way to win some sweet cash?
Thanks for the look, Steve. And thanks for letting us off easy with the 'admittedly cheesy' comment!
Just for clarity to all those checking out the site, the video we did was intended simply to encourage participants from around the world to make something better and we expect some fantastic results.
Good luck to all entrants!
That video is really lame. I mean, super lame. "Admittedly cheesy" is far from the mark.
Encourage ??
Why would anyone feel inspired or encouraged to have anything to do with this campaign when the starting point is utter lameness.
And I am a video maker, who pays extra each month for my "green energy."
Lame, lame, lame.
I thought the video was great! Sarah, you're way too harsh! Well, let's see you put you money where your mouth is and submit a better video. Pretty lame on your part to put down a project that's trying to increase wind energy farm's profile.
I thought the video was great! Sarah, you're way too harsh! Well, let's see you put your money where your mouth is and submit a better video. Pretty lame on your part to put down a project that's trying to increase wind energy farm's profile.
Yeah, Sarah, lighten up. Crap-ass creative or not, support the cause, girl.
Now I'm off to recreate that scene from Zoolander, where me and my friends hose each other with gasoline. Go me!
The contest close recently and it was a way successful effort! btw- I found the sample enticing and inviting!
Thank for the comment adarthurity. I'm going to check your blog out now.
We rolled up the Wind Blows contest with our other contests into a centralized site so you can see what new contests we've got on the go: http://www.memelabs.com
thanks again!
Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.
the person who creates the best video for Western Wind Energy, a proponent of wind power
the person who creates the best video for Western Wind Energy, a proponent of wind power