Creative Director Ponders Contribution to Teen Alchoholism
Dieste Harmel & Partners' Creative Director Mack Simpson tell us the story of an ad campaign he created several years ago for Anheuser-Busch's Tequiza, how his campaign was mentioned in Koren Zailckas' book Smashed and how he feels somewhat responsible for contributing to this girl's and others binge drinking at a toung age. Of course, Simpson and the rest of know, as he writes, "advertising is incapable of holding a gun to someone's head and ordering them to chug a beer bong," but the idea that advertising, in some way, might contribute to that, gives pause.
��advertising is incapable of holding a gun to someone�s head and ordering them to chug a beer bong.�
Perhaps. But please don�t ask us to believe the beer advertisers aren�t slyly targeting youth with their messages.
Also, you don�t need a gun to persuade youth to drink. A cool ad campaign is much more effective.
//Also, you don?t need a gun to persuade youth to drink. A cool ad campaign is much more effective.//
That, or a keg party with lots of pretty girls.
hey, a keg party with lots of ugly girls has been known to work too.
Remember... David Ogilvy always used his clients products... Me too, booze, cigarettes, expensive airlines and hotels (when the client is picking up the tab.) Unfortunately, I never had a Peruvian Marching Powder account!!!
I think we should just accept the fact that teenagers:
get drunk
have sex
try drugs
listen to music the rest of us thinks is shit
And long may they continue...
that's right, floyd. but if they do those things with you, you can expect to face jail time.