Creative Director Ponders Contribution to Teen Alchoholism


Dieste Harmel & Partners' Creative Director Mack Simpson tell us the story of an ad campaign he created several years ago for Anheuser-Busch's Tequiza, how his campaign was mentioned in Koren Zailckas' book Smashed and how he feels somewhat responsible for contributing to this girl's and others binge drinking at a toung age. Of course, Simpson and the rest of know, as he writes, "advertising is incapable of holding a gun to someone's head and ordering them to chug a beer bong," but the idea that advertising, in some way, might contribute to that, gives pause.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies   

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��advertising is incapable of holding a gun to someone�s head and ordering them to chug a beer bong.�

Perhaps. But please don�t ask us to believe the beer advertisers aren�t slyly targeting youth with their messages.

Also, you don�t need a gun to persuade youth to drink. A cool ad campaign is much more effective.

Posted by: HighJive on August 8, 2006 1:28 PM

//Also, you don?t need a gun to persuade youth to drink. A cool ad campaign is much more effective.//

That, or a keg party with lots of pretty girls.

Posted by: Bob on August 8, 2006 1:56 PM

hey, a keg party with lots of ugly girls has been known to work too.

Posted by: HighJive on August 8, 2006 6:23 PM

Remember... David Ogilvy always used his clients products... Me too, booze, cigarettes, expensive airlines and hotels (when the client is picking up the tab.) Unfortunately, I never had a Peruvian Marching Powder account!!!

Posted by: George Parker on August 8, 2006 10:05 PM

I think we should just accept the fact that teenagers:

get drunk
have sex
try drugs
listen to music the rest of us thinks is shit

And long may they continue...

Posted by: Floyd Hayes on August 9, 2006 5:27 PM

that's right, floyd. but if they do those things with you, you can expect to face jail time.

Posted by: HighJive on August 9, 2006 8:17 PM